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Hello Portola Valley Neighbors.

My name is Ellen Vernazza and I am running for Portola Valley Town Council this November. I am asking you to support me in becoming a Portola Valley Council member so that I can represent you, our town residents, in how you wish our town to be managed and protected looking towards the future.


As a Council Member I would work toward:

  • Listening closely & responding to residents' concerns

  • Preserving Portola Valley's uniqueness

  • Increasing communication channels and transparency of Town Government

  • Restoring financial health to Portola Valley

  • Planning for the highest level of resident safety

  • Strengthing the relationship between Town staff, residents and the Town Council

  • Increasing participation on Town Committees

  • Developing housing that makes sense in a high-fire and earthquake area

I believe that the Town Council must offer transparency and ensure a receptive exchange of ideas with all Town residents. It needs to gather and respect the opinions of residents along with encouraging their participation in our Town's advisory committees.  I believe in local control and that we must encourage our very educated and savvy residents to participate in crafting our Town policies and decisions rather than relying as much on outside consultants.

We must aspire to get back to a better working relationship between residents, Council Members and Town staff to regain a healthier better-functioning community. I would like to see us all work together more effectively to keep Portola Valley the town we all moved here to enjoy.

I have seen Portola Valley changing over the years and hope to help slow down the looming urbanization of our town. I hope to balance growth along with retaining our small-town charm. 

If this is an attitude and position of a Council member who you would like to represent you, please do vote for me on November 5.


Thank you for your vote!  I will do my best to represent, listen to and respond to all Portola Valley residents.














                    Paid for by

 Vernazza for Town Council 2024; Ellen


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